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Percentage Calculator – Step-by-Step

The following percentage calculator will make it easy to solve some common percentage word problems. Read your problem carefully and just enter the problem...

Part 2: Untangling Area and Perimeter

When I previously visited this class,...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 : The table above shows the distribution of test scores in Mrs. Keaton's class. Which of the following sets of test scores, if...

2024 Summer Game #6: Make Twenty

Can you believe that we’re almost half way through summer? And I have the best game for this. Yeah, yeah, yeah – I know...

S01 overview – Intellectual Mathematics

Galileo is the most overrated figure in the history of science. That is the thesis of Season 1 of my podcast, which consists of...

Societal role of geometry in early civilisations – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadIn ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, mathematics meant law and order. Specialised mathematical technocrats were deployed to settle conflicts regarding taxes, trade contracts, and...

the oral character of Greek geometry – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadGreek geometry is written in a style adapted to oral teaching. Mathematicians memorised theorems the way bards memorised poems. Several oddities about how...

history and purpose of Pythagorean Theorem – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadThe Pythagorean Theorem might have been used in antiquity to build the pyramids, dig tunnels through mountains, and predict eclipse durations, it has...

the dream of reduction to logic – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadEuclid’s Elements, read backwards, reduces complex truths to simpler ones, such as the Pythagorean Theorem to the parallelogram area theorem, and that in...

What makes a good axiom? – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadHow should axioms be justified? By appeal to intuition, or sensory perception? Or are axioms legitimated merely indirectly, by their logical consequences? Plato...

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