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Case Study: How International School Utrecht Found Success with Mathletics and Mathseeds

At International School Utrecht (ISU), educators faced a complex challenge: how to effectively teach mathematics to a multilingual student body while balancing the rigorous...

Infinite-time computable analogues of the universal algorithm, Generalized Computability Theory Workshop, Spain, August 2024

This will be a talk at the Generalized Computability Theory workshop in Castro Urdiales, Spain, a beautiful setting on the sea near Bilbao, 19-23...

How Glenmerry Elementary Ignited Math Learning with Mathletics (Your School Can Too)!

Is math often met with resistance in your classroom? Are you looking for ways to: Make math more fun and engaging? Combat math anxiety and boost...

Calculators – updated | Mathematics, Learning and Technology

New from Casio – videos on the ClassWiz series, a YouTube playlist of 38 videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MovKa26hFrk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-TD9i6OsEY I have now updated the series of Calculator pages, all...

Math for English Majors and Everybody Else |

Ben Orlin’s charming new book Math for English Majors: A Human Take on the Universal Language is a welcome addition to the growing fold...

Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics: World’s Most Interesting Mathematician

     Angela Tabiri, a young mathematician from Ghana, in July captured global attention by winning the title,  World’s Most Interesting Mathematician. Here is her...

Think Pair Share – IM CERTIFIED® BLOG

Jennifer Wilson, Senior Director, Implementation Portfolio When teachers are curious about and trust student thinking to drive learning, they create classrooms where students learn mathematics...

The equation (ax2 + by2 + c)(x2

IIT JEE Advanced 2008 Maths Question Paper MCQ (Single Correct Answer) Marks: +3, -1 Question: Let a and b be non-zero real numbers. Then, the equation (ax2 +...

Our Fractional Universe |

(by this month’s guest-columnist, Jeff Glibb) An esoteric branch of math called fraction theory may hold the answers to science’s deepest...

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