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Case Study: How Wallace Fields Junior School Enhances Maths Mastery with Mathletics

How does a top-performing school push the boundaries of maths education? Wallace Fields Junior School has the formula. Located in Epsom, UK, this two-form entry...

Pre Calculus Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :Find the limit, if it existis. Solution : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34w4f5gPpls Problem 2 :What is the average rate of change of the function f(x) = x2 -...

20+ FREE Decimal Resources for Grades 4-6

Looking for engaging, hands on decimal resources, or maybe just some fun math center games? This huge list includes...

Pre Calculus Problems and Solutions (Part -1)

Problem 1 :The point P(3, 8) is on the graph of y = bx, where b > 1.  The corresponding point P' on the...

constructivist principles of special relativity – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: Download Einstein’s theory of special relativity defines time and space operationally, that is to say, in terms of the actions performed to measure them....

math talk — a way to learn

EXPLORE MATHEMATICS BY TALKING ABOUT IT!      math talk: mathematical ideas in poems for two voices is the title of a 1991 poetry collection (Wide...

NCTM and NCSM: A Video Interview With Bill McCallum

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm6IEFGG1E0 By Bill McCallum, IM CEO and cofounder As CEO and cofounder of Illustrative Mathematics, Bill McCallum shares his reflections from the 56th Annual NCSM...

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