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Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part 44)

Problem 1 :A cargo helicopter delivers only 100-pound packages and 120-pound packages. For each delivery trip, the helicopter must carry at least 10 packages,...

Adding Fractions with the Same or Different Denominators

When adding fractions there are four important things you need to know and it is very important to keep these in mind to avoid...

Forcing is simply the iterative conception undertaken with multivalued logic, ForcingFest, Oslo, June 2024

I shall be speaking at the ForcingFest meeting at the University of Oslo, 21 June 2024. Abstract. I will explain how the forcing construction...

Case Study: How Wallace Fields Junior School Enhances Maths Mastery with Mathletics

How does a top-performing school push the boundaries of maths education? Wallace Fields Junior School has the formula. Located in Epsom, UK, this two-form entry...

What are the Factors of 12?

Factors The factors of $12$ are $1, 2, 3, 4, 6$ and $12$. The number $12$ is a natural number and it represents a whole quantity. Now,...

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