Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part 44)

Problem 1 :A cargo helicopter delivers only 100-pound packages and 120-pound packages. For each...

Average Calculator

This average calculator will compute the average for any amount of numbers you enter.Just enter your numbers and you will see the average along...

Four Reasons Why Teachers May Be Choosing Get Your Teach On Conferences

DISCLOSURES: I have no connection to Get Your Teach On. I paid to attend...

constructivist principles of special relativity – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: Download Einstein’s theory of special relativity defines time and space operationally, that is to say, in terms...


Annotate and Acknowledge – IM CERTIFIED® BLOG

By Jen Hawkins, IM Certified® Facilitator and Independent Curriculum Implementation Specialist As I sat at the table in the back of the room, I watched...

Visualizing IM K-5 Math in Specialized Academic Settings: Part 3

By Brea Jimenez, Specialist, Facilitator Certification and Quality Assurance andApril Mouton, Senior Director, Access, Content & Equity Special education is intended to provide bridges between...

Applying the Finite Difference Method to Boundary-Value Problems 2 |

Let’s examine the following two-point boundary-value problem: Notice the first-order derivative term is missing from the differential equation. This omission is made without the loss...

What “a 96 percent chance” doesn’t mean |

When people find out I’m a mathematician, they assume I’m into numbers. I find this assumption frustrating (and a little sad) since there’s so...

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Two Back to School Ideas for Digital Classrooms

 Yep, it's a school year like no other.  If you're like me, you have some very specific back to school buy the new...

Rhombus Math Magic 1 to 784 Numbers (28×28) _ Completely new and Unique

  Mahmood's Rhombus Math Magic (28x28) 1 to 784 Numbers.This numbers game is so brilliant that it will boggle the mind. This is a...

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics

      Daniel May -- professor at Black Hills State University in South Dakota -- enjoys not only teaching mathematics to future teachers...

Visualizing IM K-5 Math in Specialized Academic Settings: Part 3

By Brea Jimenez, Specialist, Facilitator Certification and Quality Assurance andApril Mouton, Senior Director, Access, Content & Equity Special education is intended to provide bridges between...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 : The circle shown has center O, circumference 144π, and diameters PR and QS. The length of arc PS is twice the length...

Worksheet on Estimating Sums and Differences

In 4th grade worksheet on estimating sums and differences, all grade students can practice the questions on estimations. This exercise sheet on estimating sums...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :A certain town has an area of 4.36 square miles. What is the area, in square yards, of this town? (1 mile...

Euclid’s definitions – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadEuclid’s definitions of point, line, and straightness allow a range of mathematical and philosophical interpretation. Historically, however, these definitions may not have been...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :In the xy-plane, the line determined by the points (c, 11) and (-1, c) intersects the y-axisat y = 5. Which of...

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Derivative Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :y = 3x2 + 5x - 2Solution : Problem 2...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :Each face of a fair 14-sided die is labeled...

Finding pi in the alphabet

Write the letters of the alphabet around a circle, then strike...


Enhancing Geometry Skills Working with Angles Color by Number

 Are you searching for a fun and effective way to reinforce special angle relationships in your geometry lessons?  Look no further...I'm thrilled to introduce...

Infinite-time computable analogues of the universal algorithm, Generalized Computability Theory Workshop, Spain, August 2024

This will be a talk at the Generalized Computability Theory workshop in Castro Urdiales, Spain, a beautiful setting on the sea near Bilbao, 19-23...

Philip Henslowe’s Card Trick | The Aperiodical

In a dimly-lit tavern on the South Bank of the Thames, Philip Henslowe — builder and owner of the Rose Theatre — is celebrating...

Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...

First Day of School Digital Escape Room

I recently learned about using google forms to make an escape room.  I thought I'd give it a try on the first day of...

Take a Deep Dive

Skip Counting with Talented and Gifted

After children learn the basics...

Philip Henslowe’s Card Trick | The Aperiodical

In a dimly-lit tavern on the South Bank of the Thames, Philip Henslowe — builder and owner of the Rose Theatre — is celebrating...

High School Math Pixel Art – They Loved It!

I have been so busy with my own classes and elearning, I haven't been able to do anything with my blog! But, we had so...

First Day of School Digital Escape Room

I recently learned about using google forms to make an escape room.  I thought I'd give it a try on the first day of...

Measuring Temperature in 3rd Grade

Understanding measuring temperature is another real-world skill children explore in the 3rd grade. MA.3.M.1.1 & MA.3.M.1.2 – Select and use appropriate tools to measure...

Google Forms for Formative Assessment in Math Class

Cheers to a new school year that will be unlike any school year before!I know that all of us are looking at new and...


Mathematical Allusions in Shantaram (Part 3) – Mean Green Math

I recently finished the novel Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts. As I’m not a professional book reviewer, let me instead quote from the Amazon review: Crime and punishment, passion and...

“Jewish Mathematics”?

Quick math-personality quiz: What is seven-and-one-fourth minus three-fourths, expressed as a mixed number (a whole number plus a proper fraction)? What matters isn’t what answer you get but how you...

If y = y(x) and it follows the relation xcos(y) + ycos(x) = π

IIT JEE Advanced 2005 Screening Maths Question MCQ (Single Correct Answer) Marks: +2, -0.5 Question: If y = y(x) and it follows the relation xcos(y) + ycos(x) = π Then, find the value of...

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