Teaching a Number Line Lesson

In my previous blog,...

Application Problems on Derivatives

Problem 1 :The distance x metres described by a car in time t seconds...

22×22 Math Magic Square

  Finding the tour is  definitely a challenge


A Boundary-Value Problem Transformed |

Show that the boundary-value problem can be converted to a problem with zero boundary conditions: Define a new function in terms of as follows: where...

constructivist principles of special relativity – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: Download Einstein’s theory of special relativity defines time and space operationally, that is to say, in terms of the actions performed to measure them....

Plus and Times Set Free |

This essay chronicles the liberation of plus and times from narrow notions about what sorts of things can be added and multiplied — and,...

If y = y(x) and it follows the relation xcos(y) + ycos(x) = π

IIT JEE Advanced 2005 Screening Maths Question MCQ (Single Correct Answer) Marks: +2, -0.5 Question: If y = y(x) and it follows the relation xcos(y) + ycos(x) =...

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Tanya Khovanova’s Math Blog » Blog Archive » The 5-Card Trick, the 4-Card Trick, and the 3-Card Trick

The famous 5-card trick begins with the audience choosing 5 cards from a standard deck. The magician’s assistant then hides one of the chosen...

Euclid’s definitions – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadEuclid’s definitions of point, line, and straightness allow a range of mathematical and philosophical interpretation. Historically, however, these definitions may not have been...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 : Which of the following equations is the most appropriate linear model for the data shown in the scatterplot? A)  y = -1.9x -...

questions by topic age 11-18

The Questions by Topic collection is available from the top menu and now has an added menu with Level 3 Core Maths added to...

Applying the Finite Difference Method to Boundary-Value Problems 4 |

In many problems, boundary conditions are specified in terms of the derivative of the function rather than the function itself. For example, consider the...

Solving Exponential Equations Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :Solve for x : Solution : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p7DCFZRoc8 Problem 2 : Solution : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB7JUct0XFc Problem 3Solve for x : Solution : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvMrQzPWfCw Problem 4Solve for x : Solution : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgIi5t7g_SU Problem 58x + P ⋅ 42x...

Mole Day Square Logic Puzzle

Options for Printing and Prepping the Puzzle There are several options for printing and prepping this puzzle. The easiest way to distribute this puzzle...

The shape of our mathematical beliefs – Wonder in Mathematics

As part of a suite of actions to address the teacher shortage in Australia, the Federal Government recently released its latest reform agenda for...

Plus and Times Set Free |

This essay chronicles the liberation of plus and times from narrow notions about what sorts of things can be added and multiplied — and,...

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :Two hundred grams of a metal alloy that is 0.3% silver is combined with another metal alloy that is 0.8% silver. If...

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Stories To Indulge In

Digital SAT Math Problems and Solutions (Part

Problem 1 :The equation 10z2 + 3z + c = 0...

Body Roundness Index BRI | ellipse model

Body Roundness Index (BRI) is a proposed replacement for Body Mass...

Math Growth with Minimal Disruption: A Mathseeds School Success Story

As educators, finding easy-to-integrate online learning solutions that also deliver tangible...


Enhancing Geometry Skills Working with Angles Color by Number

 Are you searching for a fun and effective way to reinforce special angle relationships in your geometry lessons?  Look no further...I'm thrilled to introduce...

Spice Up Math Class with Logic Puzzles

High school math class doesn't have to be a dry slog of equations and formulas. In fact, it can be a thrilling adventure in...

Rounding Numbers in 3rd Grade

Like many other multi-step 3rd grade skills, rounding numbers in 3rd grade can be extremely complicated. Rounding requires so much attention to detail that...

Explore the World of Mathematics with Famous Mathematicians Posters

Mathematics is a fascinating subject that influences various aspects of our lives, from architecture to technology. To ignite your students' passion for math and...

First Day of School Digital Escape Room

I recently learned about using google forms to make an escape room.  I thought I'd give it a try on the first day of...

Take a Deep Dive

Subtraction Calculator

This subtraction calculator with regrouping...

Teaching AP PreCalculus This Year?

 I'll be teaching AP PreCalc next year and I'm not going to lie...I'm nervous about it.  I can't figure out why exactly...I'm an experienced...

Freebie – Number Crossword Puzzle – Number Cruncher

I tried making a new type of crossword puzzle this week - it's great for fast finishers or a brain break.  Perfect for having...

High School Math Pixel Art – They Loved It!

I have been so busy with my own classes and elearning, I haven't been able to do anything with my blog! But, we had so...

Compose & Decompose 4-Digit Numbers in 3rd Grade

We have a base-10 number system. That means we can use 9 digits plus place-holder zeros to represent any quantity. In standard form, numbers...

Google Forms for Formative Assessment in Math Class

Cheers to a new school year that will be unlike any school year before!I know that all of us are looking at new and...


What makes a good axiom? – Intellectual Mathematics

Podcast: DownloadHow should axioms be justified? By appeal to intuition, or sensory perception? Or are axioms legitimated merely indirectly, by their logical consequences? Plato and Aristotle disagreed, and later...

GCSE Mathematics Content

A reminder of the pages for: Each of these pages includes a description of the GCSE content and links to resources. There is a link at the top of each...

Index – Mean Green Math

I’m doing something that I should have done a long time ago: collecting a series of posts into one single post. The following links comprised my series on using...

All You Need